Matching Family Christmas Pajamas

10 Matching Family Christmas Pajamas

I think a lot of families are like mine, and buy new pajamas for their whole family for a Christmas gift.  That way everyone can look great for all those early Christmas morning pictures!  

And, I say,"

"I'm not ashamed of those pictures where I look completely tired and worn out.  With my new Pj's I'm feeling a whole lot better for those random pictures.  You know, the one's that your husband thinks are funny.  The ones of your butt as your bending over under the christmas tree handing out gifts to your kids, or even better, the ones of your cleavage.  Those one I secretly go a delete!  But, through it all, (I feel like I'm bursting into a song) I do feel better wearing something new.  I know it's silly but it's true.

So, I sing,

"Let, the Christmas bells ring with this new song I sing!  Because, jolly old Nadine needs a new Christmas gift.  One that's soft, breathable, warm, and covers my very full belly of Christmas treats!"

On early Christmas mornings, I need every little beautiful Canadian snowflake piece of help I can get! (And, that a lot!)

After all, I do want to look some what presentable at such a ungodly hour, and yah, for those photo's, too!

When we pull out those old Christmas photo's, hopefully people will only be noticing my beautiful Christmas Pj's and not the bags under my eye's!

I don't want to hear "Ho Ho Ho," on Christmas Eve, but rather, "Let it snow, Oh, let it snow a beautiful pyjama-el-a-mode for good old jolly Nadine.  I know it does't have quite the same ring to it as Jolly St. Nick, but what can I say?

O.k. okay enough with the wishy washy talk, I'll get to the good stuff.  Cute Christmas pajamas for your family. 

I list my favourites from Amazon.  Yes, these are affiliate links, but hay, I only get a very tiny, and I mean tiny, commission if you purchase through these links, and it doesn't effect the price you pay. But,  it will help to put something small into my stocking this year, if you care to be so sweet to give me a Christmas treat.

10 Family
Matching Christmas Pj Sets

1 - These are so cute!  I love that you can choose a nightgown for you little girl if she like those better then jammy bottoms with a shirt.

2 - I like these because there are two options to choose from.  Sometimes kids can be picky about that kind of thing.  

3 - For bigger families this set has 5 options of design for your Pj top.  Including one for your dog.  How cute!

4 - O.K for some these might not be very practical, but white is one of my favourite colors and this is as close as I could get to white. Plus, their onesies, who doesn't love those?  And, there soft, too.

5 - Who doesn't love penguin's?  They are adorable.  And, they come with onesies for the kids, too.  

6 - I love these!  They are plain and simple.  No fights to be had here.  

7 - Blue is my other favourite colour so, I adore these.  They have such a pretty shade of blue.

8 - What can I say, I'm Canadian! We love our polar bears!  And, these are different than your typical Christmas pajamas.

9  - Talk about being a light to the world!  These look comfy if you can pull them off.  

10 -Ah, the classic Charlie Brown Christmas.  Everybody should have a pair of these at least once in their lives.

I hope you like something from this list of matching family Christmas pajamas.  You can package them up in great Christmas boxes and add a cute card with a scripture that will help with sleep or one that talk's about the comfort of the Lord.  You can get really creative and make your gift of Pj's really unique and special this Christmas!

What things do you do to make your family Pj's special?

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